Get Involved
New Goshenhoppen offers many opportunities for you to share your time and talent. Volunteering is a great way to get involved in your community and make a difference in the lives of others. We have many opportunities available within our ministry as well.
Children and adults alike are very important parts of our ministry. Contact us to find out more, and get involved today!
Mission & Outreach
​Spreading God's love beyond our church! Disaster Ministry - we organize mission trips to communities recovering from natural disasters. Feeding the Hungry - we participate in local Breakfast Mission and 1st Monday Meal dinners to offer meals to those in need. Meadows Fund - we give financial support to local, state, national, and world ministries.
Christian Education
​Youth and adults share the light, faith, and love of Jesus Christ during Sunday School & Worship, Vacation Bible School, Wednesday Bible Study, Confirmation Class, Senior & Junior Youth, Outdoor Ministry, Women's Fellowship, and many other activities.
​Experience God's world through a variety of day & overnight summer camp programs. In addition to traditional camp activities, many "theme" camps are offered to provide unique camping experiences. These include Science Camp, Sports Camp, Around the World Camp, Arts Camp, and a Mission Camp that provides campers a week of service opportunity at local sites.