Cemetery History
The oldest part of the cemetery is located opposite the front of the present church building. This burial ground is the oldest in the upper portion of Montgomery county. This site may have been selected as early as 1708, for around that time, John Henry Sproegel, an extensive landowner, donated six acres to the settlers for such a purpose.
Many of the early German settlers that came to America are buried here, one of which is David Schultz, a famous colonial scrivener. Also, the founders of New Goshenhoppen Church and many prominent citizens of the surrounding community rest here. Such names include Hillegass, Welker, Graber, Reed and Huber, whose descendants are members of New Goshenhoppen today. Many of the oldest stones are weathered and no longer readable.

American flags and brass markers identify the graves of 36 Revolutionary War soldiers who served in the War of Independence.
The grave of Rev. George Michael Weiss (d. 1761), the first ordained Reformed minister to come to America, is found in front of the present church along with that of Rev. John Theobald Faber, Sr. (d. 1788), who was stricken while preaching in the pulpit. There are seven former pastors of the church buried in the cemetery grounds.
A record of the family names that are decipherable from the gravestones can be found in church records.

Memorial Sunday
On Memorial Sunday, we remember those who served and died in the defense of our country and the freedoms we hold dear.
We also lift up and remember those loved ones (members, family, and friends) of New Gosh who entered into eternal life over the last year. Typically candles are lit during the church services and the carillon bells are tolled once for each loved one we remember.
Special Services >
The New Cemetery is organized in lots defined by a letter and a number, as shown in the map below. Each lot is then divided into 8 grave locations.
To view cemetery records click here >
The caretaker for all property related matters including the Church building, the Cemetery, Park, and grounds is Dale Benner (cell: 267-383-8301).
For baptism, membership, marriage, and burial records click the link below to use the FamilySearch website:

New Cemetery Map
Grave Tales & Tours
New Goshenhoppen has been pleased to bring in the WS Hancock Society to present “Grave Tales”. Grave Tales offers a guided walking tour through our cemetery, covering funeral practices and historical accounts at various graves. Presenters dress in period costume and station themselves beside graves to tell the stories of persons buried here. People who attend Grave Tales should bring a flashlight and wear appropriate clothing for the weather and good walking shoes. The WS Hancock Society hosts Grave Tales at various cemeteries throughout the region, offering both daytime and nighttime tours.
The New Goshenhoppen Historical Committee has also given group tours of parts of the cemetery, informational walks around the outside of the church building, and tours of the inside of the church. A DVD of the history of the Church is available upon request.