Family Game Night
Sunday, March 2nd, 3:00 - 7:00 pm.
A Family Game Night at New Goshenhoppen. In that in between season of winter sports and spring sports – when nothing is on the TV to enjoy sports wise – come and enjoy an afternoon/evening of games in Fellowship Hall.
You are invited to bring your favorite game (there will also be games provided including Cornhole), and we will rotate tables every 30 minutes. At 5:30 p.m. we will pause for a thirty minute pizza dinner break!
A sign-up sheet will be found on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board or by calling the Church Office (215-679-2041) by February 23 so that we are prepared for the evening. You are also asked to bring a snack to share! Pastor Dave will be ordering pizza to be enjoyed by all!

New Goshenhoppen Nursery School Open House
Come meet the teachers and tour our school.
Sunday, March 2, 2025, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Three Day Program for 4 & 5 Year Olds.
Our students must be 4 years old by September 1st to participate in this PreK / Readiness Program.
Two Day Program for 3 & 4 Year Olds.
Our students need to be 3 years old by September 1st and toilet trained to join this Socialization Program.
Toddlertime—One Day Program for 2 Year Olds.
This is a play-based group that meets 1 morning a week, from 9:15 AM - 11:15 AM.
Director – Beverly Benner 1070 Church Road East Greenville, PA 18041 215-679-2041
**Please note that registrations will be accepted at this time for the 2025-2026 school year.**
Quiet Days
Quiet Days, sponsored by the Spiritual Life Mission Team of the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference, will be held on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at the church from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please press the Handicap Button to open the door for entry to the Social Room. Please bring your own morning drink, snacks, and lunch. Coffee, tea, and cocoa will be provided. For any questions, please contact Gail Gerhard, T/N 215-679-6523.
Lent 2025
The Call to “I AM” - The Reformation Sister Congregations
Ash Wednesday – March 5
11:00 am New Goshenhoppen Church – Confession, Ashes, and Communion
7:00 pm St. John’s Lutheran Church, Green Lane, Rev Stephanie Thompson, preaching
Wednesday – March 12
7:00 pm – New Goshenhoppen Church - I AM the Bread of Life – John 6:35-40, Rev Steve Myren, preaching

Wednesday – March 19
7:00 pm – St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Red Hill, I AM the Light of the World – John 8:12-20,
Rev Becky Schanely, preaching
Wednesday – March 26
7:00 pm – Pennsburg United Church of Christ - I AM the Door – John 10:1-10, Rev Kevin Compton, preaching
Wednesday – April 2
7:00 pm – Friedens United Church of Christ, Sumneytown - I AM the Good Shepherd – John 10:11-18, Rev Nick Pence, preaching
Wednesday – April 9
7:00 pm – Palm Schwenkfelder Church, I AM the Resurrection and the Life – John 11:17-27
Rev Serena Sellers, preaching
Good Friday – April 18
12 Noon – Cross Walk Service at St. Mark’s Lutheran
7:00 pm – Service of Shadows and Darkness
Holy Saturday – April 19
The First Service of Easter – The Easter Vigil Service
7:00 pm – New Goshenhoppen Church Service begins in the upper parking lot with the Service of Light Holy Communion – Dr. David Williams, preaching
It Was Friday. . .But Sunday’s HERE!
Senior Pastor Emerita
To my dear friends and family of faith. My heart has never been far from the New Goshenhoppen hill ever since I first arrived as an Interim Pastor there in 1994.
That was almost exactly 10 years after I was first Ordained. The forty-some years after my call into this ministry have been filled with innumerable blessings: of births and deaths, of hopes and disappointments, of laughter, tears, challenges met and challenges yet to be accomplished. It has all happened because God has graciously called us into partnership into the mysterious ministry of Christ’s church. Only when looking back can we see clearly how powerful and important that love is. Only by looking forward can we relish in the miraculous work of God’s kingdom still unfolding.
Thank you for sharing in Christian ministry with me.
Thank you for bestowing on me this most honorific title.
Thank you to Rev. Dr. David Williams and Consistory and all who helped to celebrate this milestone Sunday.
To God be the glory and praise.
Rev. Dr. Deborah Rahn Clemens,
Pastor Emerita, New Goshenhoppen United Church of Christ

Outdoor Ministry News
The camp brochure is in the works and will be available in the Social Room, the racks at the top of the steps to the Sanctuary, the Fellowship Hall entry way, and the New Goshenhoppen website.
Four weeks of camp are planned for June 16-20, July 7-11, July 14-18, and July 21-25.
Save the date for the Spaghetti Supper Fund-raiser being held Saturday, March 29th. It will include all you can eat spaghetti and our bounti-ful salad bar. The supper will run from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Adults are $13 and children ages 5 to 12 are $6.
Women's Fellowship
The February gathering of Women's Fellowship included a business meeting in which motions were made to give $200 to the MAMA project, $300 to One Great Hour of Sharing, and $100 to the Pastor's Emergency Needs fund. Motions were unanimously approved. We then enjoyed soup and other food items for lunch. After the meal, eight of us assembled more than 60 health kits, which will be given to homeless shelters.​
ALL are invited to the March gathering which is Monday, March 3, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. in the Confirmation Room (located on the first floor of the C.E. building, next to Pastor Dave's office). Mr. Larry Roeder, Upper Perkiomen Historian, will join us and share with us “The Perkiomen Trunk and Bag Fire.” All are invited to come, hear, and see a presentation of the unsolved mystery of this tragic fire.
Each month, we collect small items for specific needs within our Christian community. This month we are receiving contributions of paper products and detergents for Open Link and donations of small items for bingo prizes for Pennsburg Manor. Next month, we will collect items for Genesis Women's Clinic in Pottstown such as: sleepers, bibs, wipes, diapers and bottles. There are containers in the Social Room and in the Fellowship Hall vestibule for your contributions.
All our financial giving is largely possible because of your participation in the Redners Save-A-Tape program. There is a container in the Fellowship Hall vestibule and in the Social Room for your receipts. Remember, in order for us to use your Redner's receipt, the receipt must include the entire sales receipt.
Mark the date: Saturday, May 10, 2025, 11:00 a.m. for the annual Ladies Tea. Details will be available next month.
Strawberry Festival
Strawberry Festival Raffle and Silent Auction - Get those creative juices flowing to make a donation for the “New Item” Raffle, Saturday, June 7th. The raffle will be held during the Strawberry Festival at the New Goshenhoppen Park. Our big event is only three months away, so start to make your hand-made items now! Gift Baskets are a super popular raffle item! Gift certificates and other brand new items are also accepted. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX this year! Did you receive a gift that wasn’t quite right for you? Donate it to the raffle! Do you want to help out a local business who might need a boost this year? Donate a gift certificate to the raffle. Larger ticket items will be bid on in a silent auction format. All the proceeds from the raffle go directly to the Sunday School Department. Please contact Bev Benner at benner@newgoshucc.org if you are able to make a contribution.
Strawberry Festival Flea Market - The Strawberry Festival is just about three months away! The Planning Committee is working hard to put together yet another great event! We are also looking for crafters, vendors, and flea marketers. So if you are talented and have a craft to sell or wares to sell or are just looking for a home for some gently used items, please consider renting a space at the Strawberry Festival Flea Market, on Saturday, June 7th. The cost is $15. This is a BYOT (Bring Your Own Table) Event. Gates open at 9:00 a.m. for set-up. Start time is 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.? To obtain a registration form or to reserve a spot, please contact Bev Benner at benner@newgoshucc.org​​

Easter Egg Hunt​
The Egg Hunt is Saturday, April 19 at 11:00 a.m. We will have different areas set-up by ages. Please come out to the church and celebrate this time-honored tradition! Don’t be late…it gets finished very quickly.
Hard-boiled Eggs Needed - The Senior Youth will be preparing for the Easter Egg Hunt on SATURDAY, APRIL 19 at 7:30 a.m. They will be dyeing the hard-boiled eggs for the Egg Hunt, which will be held at the church on that day at 11:00 a.m. Please consider donating HARD-BOILED eggs for this annual event. Eggs should be placed in the church kitchen refrigerators by Friday, April 18.
300th Anniversary
On October 21, 2027, New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church will be celebrating its 300th anniversary. Since this will be a special event in the history of our church, the Historical Committee is looking to form a 300th celebration committee.
Anyone who is interested in sharing their ideas or help in planning the event are invited to participate. Please contact the Church Office to submit your name or suggestions.