About us
Located in the quaint borough of East Greenville, Pennsylvania, where small town meets countryside, we are a bustling, inter-generational, and vibrant Christian church. A congregation of the United Church of Christ, with our roots in the German Reformed tradition of Christianity, we have existed in the Upper Perkiomen Valley for nearly 300 years, making us one of the oldest German Reformed congregations in the country.
Our rich history provides us with a foundational sense of who we are yet our past is not our sole identity. Our identity is in Jesus Christ, who calls us to worship a God bigger than we can comprehend. Because of this, we are always in the midst of growing and transforming in order to meet the needs of the world around us.

What We’re All About...
We’re all about Welcoming!
We often say, “No matter who you are and where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” And we mean it. Believing fully that God’s grace is for all, our doors are open to everyone. We aim to share the light, faith, and love of Jesus Christ with all people, regardless of ages, orientations, nationalities, levels of belief and doubt, marital status, physical abledness, and mental health or ability. We believe that all people are made in the image and likeness of God.
We’re all about Worshiping!
Everything we do starts with and comes out of worship! Worship is an act of praise in which we exalt God through exclamation, scripture, prayer, music, and art. Ordained and lay people alike play an essential role in every worship service, whether leading or participating in the pews. Both those with speaking roles and those with listening roles are active participants in our worship- God is our only audience. We strive to make worship relevant, fun, stirring, inspiring, challenging, and uplifting. Many special worship services are held throughout the year. We believe that God is still speaking to us through the Holy Spirit today, just as God did to those storied in the Bible. Come worship our Still-Speaking God with us!
We’re all about Service!
Heeding Christ’s message to serve one another as he served, we believe in serving the least, the lost, the lonely- those whom Jesus came to serve. Our service comes in the form of advocacy work, education, generosity, and volunteering. We support community organizations and social service agencies, partner with several local and international missions, do outreach and service projects, offer our building and campus resources, and provide grants for ministry, mission, and maintenance through our Meadows Fund. Through this work our spiritual lives are enriched as we engage in relationship with those who are served.
We’re all about Food and Fellowship!
We’re a people-loving kind of church and we have a passion for hospitality. We love being together and we love adding more into the mix. And we love feeding each other when we do. Really. We take many chances to gather together and to deepen into Christian fellowship. Join us for one of our many dinners, coffee hours after worship, dances, potlucks, festivals, banquets, and celebrations!